Saturday, April 28, 2007

Promoters Black Box - Internet Marketing Tools on Steroids is a proprietary system created by a top publicly traded marketing company, In Touch Media Group (ITMG) for the small business owner. ITMG's client list includes such heavy hitters as Starbucks, Major League Baseball, Herbalife, and Nascar. ITMG is one of only 12 companies worldwide that holds Corporate Status with Google and Ambassador with Yahoo. So it's safe to say that the small business owner can expect training and results that are second to none.

The system contains 5 unique products, each powerful in its own way. Two impressive software products includes Google Boot Camp and Search Chameleon. Google Boot Camp consists of 4 CD's that contain all of ITMG's secrets. These CD's will make the client a pay per click expert, but that's not all.

The Chairman of ITMG will run Google Adwords training twice a week for as long as they are a member of
The second revolutionary product is Search Chameleon. This is a software application created by ITMG that allows your website to change and adjust in response to the visitor in real time.

This revolutionary and proprietary software increases website relevance to each visitor resulting in a high likelihood they will return and/or become a lead. This type of technology would normally cost thousands of dollars, but is only one of five components of will soon become the primary marketing tool of small business. Google's own data states that 7 out of 10 people who attempt to use Adwords fail. This isnt because it doesnt work, rather it's because marketers don't know how to use it.

PromotersBlackBox.comtraining and products will have clients among the 30% that know how to successfully use Google and make a fortune.

For a sneak peak at the kind of invaluable, money saving information you'll be able to learn about with the Google Boot Camp software check out the 5 Things Google Really Doesn't Want You To Know article on my blog.

Promoters Black Box

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1 comment:

AddAds said...

There is no doubt this, and related articles will be, and have already become the introduction to the;
Webmasters' Bible. Sincerely,

Growing Your Business with Google